Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11, 2011

It has been awhile since I have written in my blog. The way my life is structured right now has made it a little more difficult to be consistent...or is that just another one of many excuses that come far too easily. I guess the truth is that I have not stayed focused on anything. My life feels a little scattered and disjointed at the moment and to top it off..lack of consistency is one of my biggest flaws. My quest for yielding my life to God in a revolutionary way has been slow at best. You don't realize how much life is wrapped up in your own fleshly desires and pursuits until you are faced with laying them down. I am just not content to live the typical christian life. I know God has so much more for us than what we Westerners could ever imagine. His plans are greater and His purpose more fulfilling. Yet settling seems to be my religion of choice. I sit on that splintering fence contemplating if I really want to plant my feet in that new field that is filled with uncertainties and possible sacrifices. The callouses on my behind from lack of movement are starting to get uncomfortable. But, there I sit. God...where I lack desire, please stir it up, where I lack discipline, please bring it swiftly but gently and where I lack love , saturate me with true knowledge of your love for me.


Anonymous said...

I have read thru your entire blog today. Not a blog I would write - way to personal and diary-like for me to ever attempt, but it suits your dispostion and prefences well. I will add this - clearly you are a skillful writer. Good job.

Anonymous said...

One other quick note. Can I look forward to a blog post delineating how you REALLY FEEL about the Cowboys?? ;)

Rhonda said...

It is personal but I don't have many who actually read it and if someone accidently stumbled on it, I'm okay with that. Maybe they can relate to what I say. You are right...I do need to write about the Cowboys...I will do that before next season starts!