Sunday, August 18, 2013

Being hurt is synonymous to being human. You can’t have one without the other. Why? Simple answer…we live in a fallen world. Sometimes you can anticipate the storm coming because you see the clouds forming and you hear the distant thunder. But, even then, the severity of it can still alarm you and take you by surprise. God’s word is true when it says that it rains on the just and the unjust alike. The root cause of that rain can also come from the just and the unjust alike. But here is the rest of that story. Two words…But God! Now for some those words will mean nothing and that’s okay. But for me, it means everything. It means that despite whatever storms I have walked through, I am currently walking through or will ever walk through, there is always and will always be a “But God!” Those two words are more than just an umbrella I hold over my head; they are the cleft in which I crawl into because in that, lies my only safety.

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