Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sometimes life pulls us in so many directions that no one area gets the attention it deserves. When that happens you feel as though you are failing in every area. You are only one person and there is only so much time in each day. Those facts never change. It is really hard when you truly care about every area that is vying for your attention. It is nobody’s fault; it is simply one of those seasons that you tread lightly through in the hopes that at the end of it, you find that you haven’t messed up too badly along the way. Your heart longs to satisfy all areas because you truly love and care for each one. These are the times that we have to choose to focus on the One who sees all and trust that He is paving our way. We only see and feel the mess on the path we are walking on, but He sees from the beginning to the end how it started and how it will end. We can’t get lost in the feelings of the day but rather have to trust that all is well because He sees and knows. Today, that has to be enough.

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