Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2010

So yesterday is another day that is a bit of a blurr. I know I got up, made it to work, came home, ate dinner and ended up in bed. I never did my reading and I skipped blogging. I was so exhausted and felt emotionally drained. Wish I knew why, but I am clueless. Just one of those days you X off the calendar as a day gone by. Today was better in that I at least remember the day. Got a lot done at work and then Carol and I worked together and made homemade tortillas for dinner. They were really good. Now, I am just chilling before loving on my grandson and doing a little bit of work. My eyes are tired and I would love to just go to bed. It isn't even seven yet and I'm ready for bed. Sad I know.

Read an email today that spoke about intense focus on Jesus this year. I guess that is what I am already trying to do but have not had much success. I think daily about Him as I read His word and write my blog. It feels more like a mental exercise than a spiritual journey at this point. Not that I need huge emotional responses by any means as that is not the measure of success, but I do wish that I felt something once in awhile. It is hard to be consistent when you get nothing out of the study. Perhaps it is because I am in a section of scripture I have read over and over. It isn't that I haven't had things to ponder or thoughts I haven't thought of before, because I have.

God just help me persevere. Teach me to be still and know that You are God. Let me just rest in You and who You are and not my feelings.

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