Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

Reading in Genesis today the count of Noah and the flood. It is interesting how we use that image as a cutesy decoration for many children's bedroom and church nursery's. I must confess, I have loved it too. I am a big animal lover and they are portrayed in such a cute way. But when you read the story, it is anything but cute. It is a story of God's disdain for the mankind he created and how he wiped them off the face of the earth in one swoop. With them, all the animals, unless they won the lottery of making it on the ark. It is a horrible and terrifying image. Such power of devastation. I know that Noah's family couldn't have enjoyed the ride on the ark that had to be stinky and cramped, but at least their life was spared. It is mind boggling to think of the God who is lifted up as sweet love all the time as this God who poured out His wrath on all mankind. It brings a bit of terror to one's heart and puts into perspective that He is in control. I can't help but think if I would have stood and mocked Noah for building that ark. I'd like to think that I would be begging him to let me help and to let me enter the ark with him, but I'd probably be one of the bodies floating in the waters. How I want to have a heart like Noah's. A heart that will follow God's leading even if I look ridiculous in the doing. A heart that is bent on hearing God's voice and obeying. I long to walk out the righteousness Christ has adorned me with. God...let it be so.

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