Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

So...I missed another day. I was so exhausted last night that I fell asleep super early. I wasn't feeling great either...allergies are not fun. Today was a better day. Good day at work, no more sneezing fifty times in a thirty minute time span and dinner with my good buddy Kathleen.

An unlikely person at work sent me a little devotional at work today. It was like somebody else put into words exactly what I have been trying to say in my blogging but in such a succinct way. Here is a portion of it:

During Jesus' life-time, people had assumptions about how a relationship with God worked. They believed that by measuring up to a set of standards they could be sure of their relationship with God. These assumptions had been around a long time (Matthew 5:21). Folks centered their activities, institutions, and lives on this understanding that knowing God was about keeping the rules. They believed they had set high marks. They did not murder (v. 21), did not commit adultery (v. 27), divorced properly (v. 31), told the truth when they took an oath (v. 33), took appropriate revenge (v. 38), and loved those who were close (v. 43). As long as they did these things, they could rest in the idea that God was okay with them.

Jesus ran His fingernails across the chalkboard of their lives. Their standards were way too low. Anger is just as bad as murder, our thoughts matter, marriage is for life, our word should be our bond, forgiveness beats revenge, and love should be extended to all. They were shocked. With standards this high, how could they be sure of their relationship with God? They were right! Using their report-card system, they could never be sure of where they stood with God.

If our relationship with God consists only of trying to measure up, we are missing out. God does not want to be reduced to a check-list or a set of tasks. He wants our hearts. He wants to know us (Matthew 7:21-23).

Lord, don't ever let me reduce my life down to a set of checklists ever again. Let me not live a life satisfied to just get by. I want to take to heart what love, forgiveness and surrender really look like from your point of view. Change me. Help me learn to actively live a surrendered life.

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