Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

Day three of 2011 was a good day in that it is the day, we celebrate my son's 31st birthday. Hard to believe I am old enough to have kids in their thirty's! Where did the time go?? My son is an amazing young man. Not perfect by any means but an incredible example of walking in faith. He inspires me on so many levels. I am super proud of him and grateful for the young man God has molded him to be. He has always been special to me. Perhaps it is because he is my only son, but I am sure he would say it is because he is just that awesome!

My surrender to God today has been far from complete. Old habits and ways of being self-absorbed are very hard to die to. I press on, knowing that the journey is one day at a time and tomorrow is a new day to experience.

Reading the account of God creating man is always a fascinating read to me. It is amazing that He created Adam from the dust of the earth and breathed air into him with the full knowledge that Adam would disobey him. He knew that Adam would be the first of many to come whose actions would ultimately lead to Christ's death on the cross. He still chose to do it. Why? He knew the suffering He would endure as the Father separated from His only Son and the suffering He would endure as the Son of God. What love must have fueled that decision. It is also a comical read in a loose sense as you see the pointing of fingers in the blame game that haunts the human race. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. How many times do I blame others for my sinful responses rather than owning them? The thing I find the most interesting is "And the Lord God said,'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever'" What does that mean? I find it fascinating. The man became like "one of them". Is it simply in the sense that he recognized good and evil?? So...when they walked in the garden prior to the fall, did they not know about the angels and about how some had already fallen? Did God not warn them about evil lurking in the form of a serpent? If they had eaten from the tree of life right after they sinned, would they not have a need to be banished because they would then live forever? I do not know the answer, but it gives me something to ponder.

1 comment:

mijo said...

We talked about this a little already but I think that word "knowing" in knowing good and evil means they encountered the devil. Before they only knee good, but now that they knew evil, they couldn't live for ever until they were made perfect. God did not want them to live forever in their imperfect state. Or they would have been damned.