Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

Yesterday was not a day of huge transformation, but also not a day of horrible failures. It is funny how my brain is so trained with an inner list of do's and dont's and how I naturally take inventory at the end of the day, ultimately giving myself a failing grade. Last night was no different except that I reminded myself that my focus is shifting. I am throwing down the Rhonda-made lists and my question at the end of the day should be simple. Did I love and honor God? Did I surrender control to him that day. Well, sad to say that I failed that list of questioning as well, but I certainly was more cognizant of God's presence in spite of the fact that I didn't' really feel it. The knowing that He is there each moment of each day was at least somewhere in the tangled mess of my brain's thinking.

I have taken this approach before and have never successfully completed it, but have chosen to get back up on that horse and see if I can accomplish reading through my chronological Bible as my choice of study. All the stories do not mesh in my head and I am hoping this will give me a new perspective on the history of God's people and in turn teach me some new things about who God is. The beginning (no pun intended) is the most familiar part. I have read the "Beginning of Creation" many times. I have taught it to my students when I was a teacher. The temptation to skim this is strong, but I am determined to read it in its entirety and pray that something fresh will be revealed.

When reading, a question came to my mind about the angels as they are not mentioned in the Creation story. So, when did God create the angels? I don't remember ever seeing an account of that or having anyone talk about it. The other question that came to mind was.....God having never been created and having always existed...what did He do before He launched His plan of creation? Did He just sit around while the angels worshipped Him? What did He do before the angels were created to worship Him? Not that God has to be entertained..for that is clearly a human fleshly trait..but what did He do. I imagine He is so complete in the Godhead that He didn't have to do anything but live in communion with each other. That begs the question of why did He ever choose to create us? It is a mystery in light of how human kind has total disregard for their Creator. I will see if more comes to light as I press on daily through this chronological discovery. So far, day two of my new direction has given me more questions than answers!


Lisa Logan said...

All this time you too had a blog and I never'd that happen!!?? You have gained a new reader, my dear. :)

Rhonda said...

Well, thanks for taking the time Lisa. I have written a few times but then erased them. I finally decided blogging is for me as an outlet and if anyone wants to take a peek into my world, no matter how unimpressive it may be, then they are welcome to!

Anonymous said...

I think what God did in eternity past may ever be a mystery, but at the very least, it will always be a mystery on this side of life. However, I think it is fair to say (1) Time is a part creation, and Scripture says it will end. GOD exists outside of time. It is mistaken to think of God lounging gazillions and millions of years bored before creating us or the angels. (2) God did not need us. We need Him, but who is to say what else God's mighty works are before humanity or subsequent to the end of the earth? Anyway, interesting post on your part.

Rhonda said...

Clearly God did not need us and I do understand the time means nothing to God. I am confident the Godhead is complete within itself. What do you think about the angels and when they were created?