Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25, 2011

Ever have a tough day and you just don't know why? That was the kind of the day I have had. No reason to whine and complain, yet I feel so discontent. Some of it is discontentment with myself and how I don't always like what I see when I take a hard look at myself. There are things I'd like to change about myself but change is so slow to come. Dying to self seems like an impossible dream that will always be just out of reach.

God...I'm so tired. I need You. Take control.


Lisa Logan said...

hope this "off" day hasn't been the cause of a little hiatus from the blogging world... :) missing the updates!

Rhonda said...

Thanks Lisa. Honestly I don't think about anyone even reading them therefore...not missing them. Thanks for the encouragement!